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Failed to update the Wi-Fi settings on the Smart Citizen Kit! Please, try it again

What do I do when I want to change the Wifi setting on my SCK and get this error?

“Failed to update the Wi-Fi settings on the Smart Citizen Kit! Please, try it again.”

Found it. the SSID and the password can not be to long.

I have two Wifi networks. In one case the password was too long, with the other the SSID had to many characters…

For documentation purposes and later reference: keep passwords and SSID’s you want to use with you SCK under 20 characters.

How did you try to update the Wifi settings?
Can you please reference the documentation here?

I suggest the error message is updated by the SCK-Team to reflect the actual reason for the error: stating that the network or password name cannot be longer then 20 characters.

ran into the same problem again… somehow I forgot myself.
Would be good to add this to the documentation…

Sorry @Dosch,

could you please write us at



We just improved the whole documentation in order to detail some of the topics that can lead towards issues.

Hope this helps,


Hey guillem, I wrote support. No answer thus far.
I hope you are able to get SCK up and running again: really like the project ideas…