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About the current infrasctructure

Looking to the dashboard and the RESTful API, as well as the Sensor Kit, I see that the dashboard is showing data collected from the sensors as I can mouse over the map points, I can see an indicators widget with the indicators and the update timestamp - so it is my (obvious) assumption some kind of database is feeding both the dashboard and users doing GET request over REST. What is the document I can read about the actual/projected database (or backend) technology in place?

We don’t have yet a public documentation of the actual / projected database but this should be release soon.

So far All the data are stored over a Mysql Database, with each front-end app connected directly to it (data collection, iphone app, api and website). This showed us some problem in term of control and optimisation.

We are in the process of experimenting other technologies. So far our intention is to go for a central API where the kit, the app, the website and other third party app and website will be all connected to the same endpoint.
This Api is planed to be constructed on top of a DB type kairosdb / cassandra. Also other developer are getting involve in the project, to hopefully get a strong v 2.0 version by this year.

More information to come soon

Thanks Alex, your reply is perfect to my inquiry and makes sense.

Axel, it would be nice if there were a place where the development can be followed. Github?


Hi @jsilence, There is nothing ready yet but we are step by step working on it. We will let you know as soon as all the new backend (API v2.0) development is ready for you to follow. Best.