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Can't upload any data anymore


A month ago, I managed to get my SCK working . Couldn’t do it with the browser, I got it to work manually.

Now I want to plug it again, and that seems nearly impossible.

  1. Via the browser, I keep getting “no mac address registered” error
    What exactly does this operation ?
    My device is listed in your base (I tried using the API’s url, everything seems fine, the device number is 1209)

  2. Manually, I modified the code to put my wifi config and upload it in the module. But no data uploaded in smartcitizen’s database.

  3. The wifly module doesn’t seem to be bricked : it’s not stuck in web app mode, the “boot image 2” result is OK.
    But I can’t upgrade it to 4.41 : the ftp update command finishes in timeout

Could someone give me any piece of advice ?
( … before I start to make my own module, it seems that it would be less of a a hassle … )

below an extract of my discussions with the wifly mod.
<4.00> get ftp

<4.00> ftp update wifly-EZX.img

<4.00> FTP connecting to
FTP timeout=2
set ip dhcp 1

<4.00> ftp update wifly-EZX.img

<4.00> FTP connecting to
FTP timeout=2

<4.00> get wlan

Rate=12, 24 Mb

Some more info :

  • When i upload the sketch manually, and then i connect via the com port to the wifly module, the lan config I get aren’t correct at all ( bad SSID )
    I modified the wlan config via the com port, with no avail, still no uploaded data.

  • the device have no data uploaded because when I tried to make it working a day or 2 ago, I deleted the already registered device in the database in order to see if a “new” registered one could work.

Hi LousyJohnny
It’s seems we don’t have the mac address of your kit registered in our DataBase…
We use the macaddress to chcek your kit is registered before saving your data. No Mac address registere, No data saved !
To register manualy the mac adress of your kit, follow the tutorial “Manual configuration”

Registering the kit in the Database

After you’ve uploaded your own script, don’t forget to register the kit in our database and save their your kit mac address.
To find this mac address, you can use the serial command “get mac”. by following the tutorial Manual Setup, the Serial way.
Alternatively, have a look at the wifi module on the board and read the serial number under the bar code (something like “131G0006662116E4” on kit v1.0 or “0006662116E4” on kit v.1.1). The mac adress is the last 12 digit of this serial, separated by colon every two number. You should obtain something similar to “00:06:66:21:16:E4”.
In both case, you have to pass by the configuration page of your kit, and fill the macaddress input field. then press the register your kit button.

Wait for some minutes and you should see data coming to the website !

Keep us updated

As told in the first message, the registering of the mac address does not work.
I tried again a moment ago : I log, I put the mac address in the input area, I click on “register the kit” , and it put me on the “sensors” page after telling me “Your device configuration have been saved” , and also with those messages :
" We haven’t yet received data from this device"

"It seems this kit haven’t been configured yet (no macaddress registered). Please go to the configure page and be sure to register the mac address of your kit. "

Apparently this process unlogs me : I can’t click after on “configure” or “edit” again.

Here is the mac address : 00:06:66:21:8d:f5

It seems that I have the same problem as IdeaShakerDev :

Here is the screen shot.
Please note the 404 error on "GET"
and the 400 error on "GET"

Could you please register manually my mac address in your databases ?

Allelujah !

Finally, I retried all from the beginning: same problems.

I uploaded the sketch manually in the arduino, with debug option active and autoupdatewifly inactive, and some data were uploaded.

So : wifly module is still not updated, I hope it will not get bricked soon.

It worked just once … pffffff.

Sorry I haven’t seen your answer till now.
I’ll check this issue as soon as possible. For allowing me to reproduce the error could you tell me your browser and Os? Thanks

And I just double checked, you have already the MAC address registered in the database.
could you detail what was the problem at the registration level, and how you solved it…
I will speak with my colleague to see if you have a wifly modul corrupted or not…

Yeah, I guess somehow my mac address managed to be put in your base.
I don’t know how though, since everytime I got an error message on the browser.
It’s FireFox 29.0.1 on windows 7

My wyfly is not corrupted, but I don’t have the last firmware, since it doens’t update automatically (I tried via the serial com, by installing the 0.8.6 SCK, and with the utilitie provided in github). I get a ftp connection timeout.

Here’s some debug log with autoupdatewifly set to false

4 Livebox-xxxx lan_phrase 0
SCK Connected!!
Updating RTC…
SCK Sleeping…
SCK Waking up…
SCK Connected!!
Error posting on Server…!
SCK Sleeping

Temperature: 28372 C RAW
Humidity: 27292 % RAW
Light: 20.5 lx
Battery: 100.0 %
Solar Panel: 0 V
Carbon Monxide: 268.166 kOhm
Nitrogen Dioxide: 24.532 kOhm
Noise: 0 mV
Wifi Spots: 2014-05-19 15:17:24
UTC: #

SCK Waking up…
SCK Connected!!
Error posting on Server…!
SCK Sleeping

same with autoupdate set to true:
4 Livebox-xxxx lan_phrase 0
SCK Connected!!
WiFly old firm. Updating…
Update Fail.
Updating RTC…
SCK Sleeping…
SCK Waking up…
4 Livebox-xxxx lan_phrase 0
SCK Connected!!
Error posting on Server…!
SCK Sleeping

Temperature: 28332 C RAW
Humidity: 27700 % RAW
Light: 19.8 lx
Battery: 100.0 %
Solar Panel: 0 V
Carbon Monxide: 346.516 kOhm
Nitrogen Dioxide: 28.606 kOhm
Noise: 0 mV
Wifi Spots: 2014-05-19 14:59:22
UTC: #

It worked again , just 2 or three times.

I put serial.print everywhere.
The first calls seems ok, but those following fail in the sckWifiTime.

I think there is a shift somewhere. Check this reponse on the first call :

Temperature: 28168 C RAW
Humidity: 25112 % RAW
Light: 36.8 lx
Battery: 97.0 %
Solar Panel: 0 V
Carbon Monxide: 297.370 kOhm
Nitrogen Dioxide: 16.110 kOhm
Noise: 199 mV
Wifi Spots: 1
UTC: 2014-5-20 13:24:12

and this one following ;
Temperature: 28212 C RAW
Humidity: 24960 % RAW
Light: 22.7 lx
Battery: 96.8 %
Solar Panel: 0 V
Carbon Monxide: 284.895 kOhm
Nitrogen Dioxide: 19.281 kOhm
Noise: 48 mV
Wifi Spots: 2014-05-20 13:36:05
UTC: #

The UTC time is shitty, so the sckWIFItime() method prevents from posting anything

It is a error that sometimes happens when there is a connection failure. If you want to test it with the current 0.9 beta firmware I am working on it right now:

Great !

Could you please put some comments in the code while you are in it ?

I had similar problems getting my sensor registered. I finally got the my mac address registered but no data was being uploaded. I uploaded the current firmware 0.8.6 beta for v.1.1 to the device and using the Arduino IDE (&Linux ubuntu) and serial monitor manually configured my internet connection using command line codes to my device. Once this was complete I was able to see it collect data through the Arduino serial monitor and connect to the internet. I then was able to verify the internet was uploading data and that I could download data. This all took me about 5 hours.

One question I have is if I update to 0.9 beta firmware will I need to rework my internet connection again using the serial monitor? It says minor changes were made?

Hi @markki. Everytime you do a firmware update it would be necessary to add your networks. In firmware version 0.9 a lot of the code is been rewritten, but still not 100% tested.