I’m currently working on the “SmartCitizen” Arduino board. i want to setup a custom backend. I used the same example as referred in the link
and cloned the git repository for the example https://github.com/fablabbcn/Smart-Citizen-Kit
The curl command works for me, but when I try to send data using the board, it doesn’t work.
For your information,
The board connects to the Wifii
I can see the various sensor values on the serial terminal.
I changed the WEB[] to
// Basic Server Posts to the SmartCitizen Platform - EndPoint: http://data.smartcitizen.me/add
static char* WEB[8]={
“PUT /add.php HTTP/1.1
"User-Agent: SmartCitizen
"X-SmartCitizenMacADDR: ",
"X-SmartCitizenApiKey: ",
"X-SmartCitizenVersion: ",
"X-SmartCitizenData: "};
Can you please help me out with this.