Dear Smart Citizens,
I don’t receive any email-notification, despite my settings.
Could you check that?
Thank you!
We have not sent any email notification after you signed up in the SC platform. Now you are also on that list. Anyway, we will double check it!
Well, are we tslking both about the automatic emails sent, when posts are commented?
Nope! But you can double check your preferences (everything should be selected) or take a look to this service: Best.
I have put in my correct email adress and selected everything, but no notification is comming.
Can you please put this right?
Hi Klaus, are you referring to email notification from the forum right? let me know if it is the case. Also new features for the platform will include notifications when your kit is X, and you want to do Y. As for other settings, IFTTT is a great tool as Aitor says…
Yes, I would like to get an email notification for activities within this forum.
Just a "hey - some new
I checked my settings.
I am still not receiving any notification email.
Can you check that, please?
(What are my settings in this forum made for? -Is this a bug?)
Thank you very much!