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Integrating Smartcitizen kit in HomeAssistant

Hi everyone,

I would like to integrate the measurements of my SCK kit V2.3 in HomeAssistant. This allows to create actions in your home according to measured values by the kit, e.g. set an alarm if the pollution level is higher that certain threshold, close the curtains if there is to much UV light…
Has any one try to do it?
The best option is to create a Smartcitizen integration but maybe it is a global project that would require the supervision of Smartcitizen people.
Since Smartcitizen has not yet its own integration in HomeAssistant, one initial option to explore could be to create a RestFull sensor in HomeAssistant incorporating the Smartcitizen API data. Do you have any documentation about that. I will need the API key and understand the endpoints I will need (e.g., device readings, user data, etc.).

Best regards