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iScape DataSets

Hi there,
I want to make data Science on the iSCAPE datasets published from SCK in Dublin.
Are these datasets available for research ? If yes how can I get them?

Thanks in advance,
Hala Ibrahim,
Research Student in TU Dublin

Hi @superhala83

We just released the datasets this week

Hope it helps!

Hi @pral2a,

Thanks a lot for your fast reply I really appreciate it
These datasets are very useful

Kind Regards,

Hi @superhala83

Have you made any visualisations of this data? We have a few sensors, ticking away in Limerick, would love to see.

Hi @gerw88 ,
The iScape datasets is for Dublin…there is no data for Limerick. The kit was placed in UCD. There is a tutorial in the iscape website for how to visualize the data. As for me I’m still checking how I will use them.
Good luck with your sensors

That’s great. I was fishing for some nice visualisation examples :wink:
Are you part of that project?

No, I’m not a part of that project. I’m a researcher who is trying to use the datasets !
