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📢 New Docs!

Hi all!

We have been working for a loooooong time on the new documentation page and we are now happy to release it with updates and exciting stuff.

Besides documenting the SCK2.3 and the stations, we now have a new knowledge section, where we talk in detail about environmental variables and sensors. This section is the result of many projects, were we learn ourselves, do research and bring this back to the project and into the docs.

There is also a new set of resources and guides, for instance on how to integrate new sensors (maybe for @tyethgundry and the SEN66). Many of the guides cover aspects to go beyond the normal use of the kit, for instance to use processing, orange data mining, or python to work and play with the data.

As always, things are not complete, nor perfect, so feel free to give feedback and open issues/PRs in the documentation repository.

Hope you like it.

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