Hi everybody.
Sorry for the long time to answer.
I’ve just checked @dagint problem on the kit id 685, and the problem seems to be that the mac address was not properly registered in our Database.
Could you confirm that after the configuration process, you’ve seen the “mac address” input filled with a text like “00:06:XX:XX:XX:XX” and that you’ve pressed the “Register the kit” button ?
If yes, have you seen any error showing on the top of the screen (if the mac address is saved properly you should see “Your device configuration have been saved.”).
If not, it is possible that the kit don’t succeed to send the mac address or that some data have been lost on the Serial communication. In this case you could use our recent tutorial on “Manual setup, the Serial Way”, to extract the mac address of your kit with the serial command “get mac” and save it on our server.
If you want to understand the problem here is an explanation :
Our database is accepting to retrieve data coming only from registered kit. To confirm your identity, we use the mac address of the WiFly module (should be unique) that we save on the DB when you make the registration process. When the kit send the data to the server, it use the mac address as an identifier. The server then check if this particular mac address effectively exist in the database and attribute the data to the kit registered with this same mac address. if no matching entry is found on the DB, the data is refused, and therefore not displayed on the database…
By the way, we are developing a new registration process making it way more easy and reliable. It’s actually in Beta test and should be released soon.
Meanwhile, we apologies for the inconveniences encountered.
Please keep us updated.