Hi again!
So, we need some extra information from these sensors:
MH-Z16 CO2 sensor
BMP280 Temperature and Pressure
MTK3339 Gps (optional)
Microphone with MAX9814 amplifier
SDS011 PM2.5 and PM10 sensor
DHT22 Humidity (and temperature) sensor
In particular, for each of them, we need the units they will collect data in and if there is any other metric in case the sensor gives you other data. I am assuming the following:
MH-Z16 CO2 sensor (CO2 - ppm)
BMP280 Temperature and Pressure (T - degC, P - kPa)
MTK3339 Gps (optional) (See below)
Microphone with MAX9814 amplifier (See below)
SDS011 PM2.5 and PM10 sensor (PM2.5 - ug/m3, PM10 - ug/m3)
DHT22 Humidity (and temperature) sensor (RH - %rh, T - degC)
For the microphone, if the readings are in a particular scale or simply dB. Also, the name of the microphone you are using.
Regarding GPS, we follow this format: GPS - Smart Citizen Docs
In general you don’t have to send all the readings in case you don’t have them, but the ones you have, should go with that format.
And finally: the Kit name and description you would like. Something like name
: “DIY Sensor Kit <…>” and description
: “DIY Sensor Kit <…> with Air Quality sensors and GPS”
Almost there!