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Setup - Bugs and Frustration

Ive just spent 3 hours trying to set the board up - which incidentally arrived today without any assembly instructions and with part of the plastic cover broken…

Ive now given up and will try again once all the bugs have been sorted out.

I just don’t understand why a) the instructions and website suck so much and b) how it can be possible to come up with such a non-user friendly way of setting it all up…

I spent good money to get the equipment and you guys should always remember that Kickstarter funding is not the same as philanthropy… :-S

Very Very dissatisfied…

did you read my report? I purposefully wrote it since I found the flow very confusing too

Thanks @Reimer! :wink:

@parrot01: we are really sorry for all the inconveniences. You are right! Assembly instructions for the acrylic case would be really helpful. I will put that on the list! :slight_smile: If I can help you with the broken plastic cover it will be a pleasure to send you a new one. Or if you want to make your own, we could drop you the cutting files.

I do not think the website and instructions suck. They just need more workforce. We have a very important part of the team working on making everything as much user-friendly as possible. Please, be patient!

We appreciate your back up and, please, do not stop supporting the project. You are an early adopter and this had just started. Help us doing it better and growing an amazing community.

All the best. Aitor.