Hey Bryn,
W received the mail through info. We can keep the conversation there. Just for reference or in case anyone else is interested, the Smart Citizen Station is available for sale, but not as the SCK, and more as an experimental unit. If you want to build one, bear in mind that the complexity is higher than the kit, and we normally rather help with the process, or at least fill the gaps in the documentation.
I searched for, but did not find any further information about the device(s) but specification looks a lot like Smart Citizen Station with differences in the communication. I was unable to find them for sale in the Bazaar section of Seeedstudio. If its a commercial product, perhaps the inner workings are not transparent, unlike SCS.
I am just wondering if there is somehow a link between this product and SmartCitizen Station. a leakage of IP perhaps (but SCS is open source anyway, right ?). Or is this the reason why SCS is not available on Seeed Studio ?
We don’t know much about this product-line from SEEED. We assume is something new they are pushing forward. As everything we do is open, not really possible to have a leakage of IP. The SCS is not available in SEEED for various reasons: it’s still an experimental unit, it needs more care than a mass production device, it’s something we still iterate, and there are many configuration options that are not in the SEEED page, and we normally try to understand what the actual end-user of the station needs are.
Anyway, now I’m in a conundrum, need to decide whether to build my own SCS or just buy this thing already built. It’s a shortcut toward meeting my goal of monitoring my environment.
Your comments or further information you might like to share would help my decision making.
This is entirely up to you. We can help on the SCS part with more information, or even an unit in case you are in a rush. We are trying to document the Station little by little to be able to make it in a Fablab, so this might as well be an option.