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Smart Citizen Webinars

Hi everyone!

We hope you are doing well and that you are almost (if not already) on holidays!

So, you might have seen some topics flying around in the forum recently about MINKE. MINKE is a project in which we are trying to explore how the our hardware can be part of instrumentation infrastructures for marine monitoring, and specially, how we can bring open source principles to this field.

To avoid talking too much about the project itself, and more to the point, we want to share with you some webinars we have been doing as part of MINKE. In an effort to make a better documentation of the hardware, we have conducted a series of webinars that we will be releasing little by little over the following months once we manage to edit them. Today, we would like to share with you the first 9 videos, of a list of more than 30, that talk about some basics of the kit, and how to use the Shell. In future videos, we talk about air quality sensors, water sensors, data analysis, and how to ensure traceability of our data.

Here is the list :video_camera: and here you can find the presentations :page_facing_up:

We really hope you find them interesting and useful.


Hi again! We have just uploaded more than 20 videos to this list! :boom:

We cover air quality, water quality, data analysis and visualization and many more things. We hope you like them or at least find them useful!

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