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Spare Parts for SCK 2.1 - Sorry, not possible

Herewith below, an email exchange between myself and Seeed. The issue I am wanting to correct is that I broke off the Aux connector on the main board. I soldered it back, and seems to work (High degree of difficulty), but it is now forever ‘suspect’ in any other issues I might have. In particular I am trying to get the Grove OLED display working and later a GPS sensor, both of which connect via the grove I2C (Aux) connection.

Please can you tell me if it is possible to order replacement parts of SKU 102110258
I do not need the whole kit, just the main board.


We are sorry that you can’t just order the main board. If you want, you can order the whole kit.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thanks.

Best Regards!
Seeed Bazaar Customer Support Team

The overall issue is of course, cost and waste.
Oh and by the way, the SCK 2.1 Starter kit is currently out of stock too.
The whole sck2.1 kit costs $US115 plus ~$US 50 in shipping cost to Australia (FedEx).
However the main board by itself would be a fraction of that cost both hardware and shipping.
And I do not need an extra urban sensor board, dust sensor or battery.

I am unsure if the SCK support team can address this issue in any way, but its possible if someone makes them aware of it… :innocent: