We purchased two kits, and initially both connected fine and started uploading data to the platform. At some point they went offline, and I was able to reconnect them by setting them up again using the start.smartcitizen.me process. Again they stopped reporting data after a while and showed up as offline on the platform. I then tested one in SD mode, in case the issue was with the wifi. After checking the data, it looks like it recorded for about 12 hours then stopped. So I’m wondering for what reasons these might stop working, especially in the offline mode. I’m also wondering if someone can give me some steps to follow to troubleshoot.
Right now, I have one of the kits freshly flashed with the new SAM (0.9.6) firmware following these steps: http://docs.smartcitizen.me/Components/Firmware/guides/Update%20the%20firmware/
The light began breathing blue, then started blinking blue, then breathes blue again, then blinks, and repeats. It appears offline on the platform. In the serial monitor from the Arduino IDE I see these lines looping as the light blinks and then breathes etc etc etc. The blinking period runs from the “Restarting ESP…” line through to “Hello sent!” so while it’s breathing all I get are the two error messages. Any ideas?
10:51:51.472 -> ERROR sending hello!!!
10:51:51.472 -> Restarting ESP…
10:51:51.472 -> ESP off…
10:51:51.516 -> ESP on…
10:51:51.701 -> ESP finished booting
10:51:52.013 -> Synced config with ESP!!
10:51:57.681 -> Connected to wifi!!
10:51:57.981 -> Hello sent!
10:52:03.740 -> ERROR sending mesg to ESP!!!
10:52:13.458 -> ERROR sending hello!!!
10:52:13.458 -> Restarting ESP…
10:52:13.458 -> ESP off…
10:52:13.504 -> ESP on…
10:52:13.643 -> ESP finished booting
10:52:13.962 -> Synced config with ESP!!
10:52:18.957 -> Connected to wifi!!
10:52:19.441 -> Hello sent!
10:52:25.207 -> ERROR sending mesg to ESP!!!
10:52:34.965 -> ERROR sending hello!!!