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V0.9.10 & sck 2.3

I was having some problems with my sck 2.3 where it was locking up at 3am each morning and needed a complete power dis-connect and re-connect to get it going again. I though I would install the latest firmware. The file is SAM_firmware_sck2.uf2. This has fixed the 3am restart but the kit now says it is sck2.1 and none of the sensors work anymore. As far as I can see the only returned values are for the battery and Wifi strength.

The kit ID is 18375

Is this the correct firmware or should I be using something else?

That’s weird… Every night the kit does a “sanity reset”, which should just come back to normal after that.
Is the battery connected to the Kit?

This feature can be disabled via shell commands:

config:      Shows/sets configuration: config [-defaults] [-mode sdcard/network] [-pubint seconds] [-readint seconds] [-wifi "ssid" ["pass"]] [-token token] [-sanity(reset) on/off]

To disable:

config -sanity off

With respect to the firmware, in the firmware files in the latest release are organised as follows: Releases · fablabbcn/smartcitizen-kit-2x · GitHub

The ESP (WiFi antenna) is the first one, simple. The firmware for SAM_firmware_sck2 disables most sensors to save space, with the idea that the firmware can be used to develop things without having to take memory for unnecessary things. For SCK2.3, the SAM_firmware_sck23_air.uf2 file is the one to use.

Hope it helps!

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Perfect, thank you.

All sensors up and running.

Just waiting to see if the 3am lockup happens again!


and… ??? what happened? :smiley: :eyes: