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Does the "SCK 2.0 Pre-Order Form" get you many responses?

Great to see activity in this project!

The survey confused me.

Without any pricing estimate I would not know how many kits I’d want, if any. Also, it even feels like an order form, especially on a mobile device on which one cannot scroll forward to the next questions. (I did not even see the text after question 5.)

I got the same link through email but at that time did not submit the form due to that confusion, and lacking any details on the homepage of (which only shows the previous kit) I could not even tell what it was about!

Meanwhile I’m happy I clicked through the forum, so now I know better. But still I cannot guess how many I’d order without any pricing indication…

For whoever did not click the link, or is using a mobile device:

SCK 2.0 Pre-Order Form

  1. Your name

  2. Your main activity

  3. Are you representing an organisation?

  4. Your email

  5. How many kits are you ordering?
    1-2 / 3-5 / 6-10 / 11-20 / More than 20

    Soon you will receive a direct link by email to the Smart Citizen vendor and you will be able to place your order directly with them. Once you have your kit, you just have to set it up following the instructions provided and you will be ready to stream your environmental data with the world!


  7. Which is the main use you want to give to the Smart Citizen Kit
    Environmental sensing / Research activities / Community campaign / Use the kit to connect with other technology / Education purposes / Other

  8. What are you planning to measure?
    Air Pollution: Particle Matter (PM2.5/10) / Air Pollution: Car exhausts (NOx / CO) / Noise Pollution (dBA) / Air Temperature and Humidity / Barometric Pressure

  9. Would you be interested in purchasing add-ons for the SCK 2.0 to enhance the sensing capabilities?

  10. Do you have anything to tell us?

Does it not work on mobile? What kind of mobile device?
I just tried on an android and it worked fine. I was able to scroll up and down and click options, which will trigger a scroll down.
The form is using an external service called Typeform.

Thank you for your time! :grinning:

It works (Brave/Chrome on Android 8), but before answering questions 3 and 5 one cannot scroll down (one must first click Submit, which will complain about not filling in the details) hence cannot read what’s next:

(This was the point where I closed my browser at the first try. Am I ordering something? Just too vague for my liking.)

Also, I guess my main concern is:

But if you do get responses, then I guess it’s just me. :slight_smile: